Noun | Related Translations | Other Translations |
same one
lo mismo
the same
analogy; communality; community; equality; equalness; equivalence; evenness; homogenety; image; likeness; resemblance; similarity
Adjective | Related Translations | Other Translations |
conforme a
as; just like; like; such as
according; according to; alike; analogous; analogue; as a result of; as appears from; as demonstrated by; as per; because of; by; by the rules; compliant; consistent with; due to; equivalent; identical; in accordance with; in compliance with; in conformity with; in consequence of; in obedience to; owing to; similar; with
Adverb | Related Translations | Other Translations |
equally; every bit
Other | Related Translations | Other Translations |
according as; because; since
Modifier | Related Translations | Other Translations |
al igual que
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; also; analogous; analogue; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; concurrently; equivalent; identical; similar; simultaneously; too
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; analogous; analogue; at the same time; concurrently; equivalent; identical; similar; simultaneously
así como
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
also; and also; as also; as much; as well; as well as; at the same time; equally; just as; just like; too
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; just like; like; likewise; such as; the same
how; in a minute; in which way; just like; like; similar
as; just like; like; such as
agree; concurrent; correct; fine; good; homophonic; right; uniform with; unisonous
as; when
at that time; in sofar; in those days; then; when
dado que
as; given that; since
de acuerdo con
as; just like; like; such as
according; according to; alike; analogous; analogue; as a result of; as per; because of; by; consistent with; due to; equivalent; identical; in accordance with; in compliance with; in conformity with; in consequence of; in keeping with; in obedience to; owing to; similar; with
de igual manera
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
de inmediato
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
at once; at the same time; concurrently; direct; directly; immediate; immediately; in a moment; instantly; now; on the spot; promptly; right away; right now; simultaneously; straight; straight away; straightaway; then and there
de la misma forma
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
del mismo modo
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
ditto; identical; the same
as; during; while
at which time; during; in the course of; under
en tanto que
as; since
as; when
at that time; at the time; in those days; then
as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst
at the same time; for now; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; in the near future; in the time coming; meanwhile; provisional; temporal; temporary; while
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; concurrent; ditto; equivalent; homogeneous; homophonic; identical; similar; the same; unaltered; unchanged; uniform; uniform with; unisonous
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; as much; as such; bluntly; close; close by; coarse; crude; ditto; equivalent; even; flat; flatly; his equal; homogeneous; identical; in such a way; level; like; plain; point blank; same; similar; smooth; such; the same; unaltered; unchanged; uniform; unwavering; vulgar
lo mismo
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; all the same; also; analogous; analogue; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; ditto; equivalent; identical; similar; the same; too; unaltered; unchanged
lo mismo que
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; just like; like; likewise; such as; the same
also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; too
as; during; since; while
at the same time; while
mientras que
as; because; since
just like; like
mientras tanto
as; in between; in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile; while; whilst
in the mean time; in the meantime; meanwhile
otro tanto
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; all the same; analogous; analogue; ditto; equivalent; identical; similar; the same; unaltered; unchanged
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; analogous; analogue; equivalent; identical; resembling; similar
as; because; given that; since
as a result of; because; for; on account of; through
as; because
after all; anyhow; because of; for; since
puesto que
as; because; given that; since
just like; like
according as; as; in proportion as
according; consistent with; whose
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
alike; analogous; analogue; concurrent; equivalent; homophonic; identical; similar; uniform; uniform with; unisonous
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
visto que
as; given that; since
ya que
as; because; given that; since